About Us


NAPO-ONAP is a organization focused on helping those in poverty in canada. Working on improving unemployement rate for teens, funding money for teens, and finding shelter for teens. We are receiving lots of support from the population. This organization was founded by Linda Clay in 2003. Since then, our organization grew to over 600 volunteers all over Canada, raised over 12 million dollars and we have changed the lives of millions of teens around the world. We are proud of what we have accomplished but we are not done. Canada is still not poverty free and we will not stop until it is.

Our goals:

Our goal is to make Canada poverty free. We want to make sure teens have shelter, education, food, water, clothing, and any other necessities such as electronics, furniture, school supplies, games and more.

Our team:

Our team consits of board directors and volunteers and donators

Board directors:

Board directors manage over head management such as financials, organization, and future plans.


Volunteers are essential to our operations, without them we wouldent exist. We just cannot afford payed volunteers as that would cut into the amount used to help those in poverty


Donators are the ones that fund our budget. They consist of citizens like you, fundraisers, and our promoters such a RBC – The Royal Bank of Canada.

We want to thank each and every one of our volunteers and donators because you have enabled us to have such a great success